The Most Beautiful Day in the History of the Earth

18 April, 2006


One of my colleagues said today, "Today is the most beautiful day in the history of the Earth."

Ok, today here in Raleigh, NC is crystal clear, blue sky, breezy, scent of wisteria…sitting on 70 degrees.  We are certainly not the entirety of the Earth.  We would also have to argue that there have existed other equally "beautiful" days, or days that someone ELSE thought were equally beautiful.

My colleague did not say "nearly the most beautiful," or "possibly the most beautiful."  He KNEW for himself that today was unequivocally "the most" beautiful day in the history of the Earth.

As far as marketing content goes, it's killer.

I mean, LOOK!  it sold me.  Yes, I believe today is the most beautiful day in the history of the Earth.  I believe it because Jay believes it, or convinces me he believes it.


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