Archive | November, 2008

Benefits of a Paper Thesaurus

28 November, 2008


I had a desk thesaurus a few years ago. Then I “down-sized”- decided I’d just simplify and refer to a digital/online thesaurus when I needed a synonym. Now, a few years later I just bought a used desk thesaurus and I’m wondering how I ever thought the online thesaurus was even marginally acceptable. There is […]

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Today’s Headlines Appealing to Greed and Fear

26 November, 2008


In the school of headline writing you could find examples of widely read headlines via the top online newsmakers. Great headlines are KEY to getting copy on a page read, even for a few seconds. For example, I have the New York Times set as one of my default tabs in Firefox. Notice the daily […]

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Words with Powerful Meaning: Smack Up Your Web Copy

25 November, 2008


Over 85,000 online users searched for “words” last month. The search stats I just saw surprised me–yiddish words, word games, slang words, word puzzles, word searches, word scrambles, wrongly spelled words, thoughtful words, words of condolence, rhyming words, spanish words, etc. Everyday I also see users that find my blog when they search for “powerful […]

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Google “Promote” Buttons are Here

21 November, 2008


I’ve been on Google all day and just now I’ve been served a results page that displays a triad of icon buttons I’ve never seen before– a pair just to the right of the SERP page titles: one for “Promote” and one for “Remove” and one alt tagged “Comment” at the end of the description […]

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Make Web Copy Bullets

19 November, 2008


People don’t read webpages the way they once read 19th century novels. Webusers scan pages first Perhaps scan a second time and pause on key sections that caught their eyes the first time Shaded or outlined content and text boxes usually draw the eyes Bolded and emphasized text draws more attention Bulleted text draws attention […]

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Pry the Buried Hook from Your Webpage Copy

7 November, 2008


Do you revise your webpage copy? Revising web copy is as crucial to the final product as is putting practical and tactical words on a webpage. It is the pressing down process, the molding and shaping that can really make you sweat. Here’s a quick rule I’ve successfully applied to my own web copy over […]

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